- today
- label Instructions
The DAM / OND number is a code indicating the date of manufacture of the vehicle. This number is listed in Citroën and Peugeot technical documentation and increases by 1 with each day.
In some cases, this number is used to identify the corresponding accessories or spare parts.
How can I find out the DAM / OND number of my car?
Depending on the car model, this number may be located in different places. On newer models, it is usually found on the label on the driver's door (which also displays information about the car's colour code and the prescribed tyre pressure). There is a six or seven digit code in the lower part of the label, the first 4 or 5 digits of which represent the DAM code. The following 2 letters then indicate the factory code. On older models, this number has only 4 digits and may be located in the engine compartment, sometimes written in paint on the metal sheet.
If you have not been able to identify the DAM number, we can find it in the technical documentation based on the VIN number of your car.
There is a free calculator of the manufacture date available online: http://didih.fr/ORGA.htm